February 28, 2012



Every single day, I find myself craving your touch
My mind and body spinning into an intoxicating rush
I swear I can sometimes see you in my mind
Our souls' purpose intrinsically entwined

 It doesn't seem fair that we can be so in tune
and yet...I know the time is still too soon
We both understand the need to refrain
...To physically abstain
 Because when our bodies inevitably do collide
It will be like trying to hold back the magnetism of a tide

To let you go after that would simply be too much

So until that time you can unequivocally be mine
I promise I will be …
hoping, praying, dreaming with you

As long as it takes.

(c) Teresa / Divinia 25th Feb 2012

the picture was taken by my daughters and I
on 26th Feb 2012

song used :- Words (unspoken) by Boney James



I have so come to cherish the time you spend with me...
You soooooothe my tumultuous energy
You helped me to release those things inside
The place where my authentic spirit resides

It was You who brought out my inner smile
OOOH ...and that side of me that is a little bit wild
You recognized something deep in me
That makes me want to be the best I can be

My passion is now at an all time high
I hate it when we have to say goodbye
Many times I secretly cried
Rarely does anyone see my vulnerable side

it's just that...

I would never want to slow your impeccable flow
But I would like to make sure you know
That if I could hold you tight and whisper in your ear
I would ask you to spend every moment ... right here

with me

(c) Teresa / Divinia 24th Feb 2012

picture by Losevsky Pavel

instrumental version of "Right Here (Human Nature remix) by SWV made by ABSmazda

February 12, 2012



Purity... untainted innocence occupies iridescent light
Everlasting belief and loyalty... our hearts soar in flight
Are we able to reside purely within each others souls?
Real love can not be measured by ephemeral rapture
Let's rise  ~   high   ~  beyond this tangible embodiment
Spiritual unity...a love that transcends spatial continuum

(c) Teresa / Divinia 12/2/12
white rose picture (c) Teresa/Divinia

song used - Rosebud by Enigmatic
all photos in music clip taken by me too.

February 1, 2012

RECOGNIZE - (an acrostic poem)

Restless memories meander through my mind
Echoes from distant lifetimes infiltrate and remind
Could destiny be so cruel so as to allow me to find you?
Only to be kept wondering "Do you know too"?
Giving me that tantalizing glimmer of hope
Not sure if I am even able to cope
I thought I was stronger and smarter than this...
Zenithal ardour seems completely remiss
Eternity ~ continually repeating itself

(c) Teresa/ Divinia 1st Feb 2012

song : PAST by Dove
and yes, I compiled the clip