July 31, 2012




Hematite and Sugilite

She was a Rare Messenger,
bequeathed the custody of a great task
Sent to assist humanity
with her vitreous rays of incandescent hope and light,
her job was to remind those
who had hardened themselves against
going forward with their dreams & destiny
that is is never too late
to reclaim their heart’s desire

He was a truly beautiful sight to behold
His cool, smooth exterior seducing all who lay eyes on him...
one would be forgiven for getting lost
in his magnetizing gaze.
Once a prominent resident of Equatorial Sinus Meridiani,
he is a bringer of Love, balance, Peace.
But due to his cold, hard temperament
he became a self imposed extradite
traveling the cosmos in a shower of metallic meteorites

Jupitarian serendipities were always abound
when the Royal Azel was around 
she effortlessly facilitates travel through Astral-dreamscapes.
Brilliant epiphanies would often be found
as she fans the flames of your inner passions fire.
But who will be there when she herself feels a need to reclaim
her own inner dreams and desires?
She is far more fragile that she first appears
Her internalised stresses


cause her to  

crack and break

He alone has the power to neutralize
the normally strong and powerful Sugilite.
But when she looked into him for answers that night
all she could see were her own weaknesses
reflected back to her
No matter how hard she tried
She could not get past
his persistent reflective shield
or from seeing her own sad needs.

There was simply no hiding anything from him.

He saw what she saw

She realized that the only way
to overcome this recondite type
was to gently hold him in her hands,
allowing her warmth to permeate him.

And as the light shined down on him


in turn

reflected it 
for both of them


(c) Teresa / Divinia 30th July 2012

photo taken by me.
Hematite and Sugilite

July 7, 2012


                 D'hastura Dreams            

धतूरा सपने

She is a temperamental bitch
who needs to be handled with the utmost care.
Failure to do so would result in loss of sanity
from which you may never return...

Proceed with consummate respect and caution...

The first thing that allures the unsuspecting observer
is her delicate
sensuous skin
which imparts a 

The seduction of her aroma is beguiling
as it will undoubtedly
sap the sensibilities of even the strongest of men.

If you further submit
and touch her skin
she will imbue drops of her intoxicating dew
into the very heart and soul of you.

A pentacle of illusions 
she promises

What she gives, depending on her mood can be anything BUT
She really is a cruel, salacious shrew when she wants to be

Daring any man to try to tame her
she will penetrate the hidden recesses of their being
leading them into the abyss of their darkest fears.

She herself is strongest during the deadly nightshade hours
It is during this time her allys come 
in the guise of sphinx and hawk moths
Offering them her sweet nectar,
which they drink in a frenzied fervour.

But resist the temptation to taste her flesh too soon.
For she preys on uninitiated, unsuspecting fools
who don't know how to handle
the sacred divinity embodied within,

She will trick
those who are not pure of mind
She can read your intentions.

Pity the unworthy who has an unfortunate encounter with
the D'hastura

Once you enter into her dream like world,
she may never let you return
You will forever remain
in a state of unholy stasis
straddling worlds unseen
places you have never been
communing with beings
no one else can see
forever blind
you will lose your mind

I did warn you
a mistress of kindness
she is not

Unpredictable, Domineering BITCH!

(c) Teresa / Divinia 6th July 2012

last picture taken by me...This specimen was found hanging from my next
door neighbors tree in his front yard.


The name Datura, its generic name, is from the Hindu Dhatura
 (dhat=the eternal essence (of God)), which was derived from the Sanskrit name D'hastura
also known as Angels Trumpet, Devils Trumpet,
 Jimson Weed, Devils Weed, Moonflower