Two steps
Kevin skipped excitedly
to school that morning
He was getting
an award that day
His mother and
two younger siblings
Were walking two
steps behind him
Kevin came to
the intersection kerb
One they had
crossed over 300 times before
The lady in the
Audi 4wd wasn’t looking his way
When she pushed
her accelerator to the floor
A blood
curdling scream from his mother
Was all that
neighbours and passers-by heard
The lady got
out of her car and frantically screamed
“But he came
from no-where!”
Kevin never
made it to school that day
His award still
sits on his teachers table
Christmas cards
in his backpack not to be delivered
December 2012
All the students from K - 6 coloured in a paper person, and
they were strung up around the perimeter of the school gates.
All the students from K - 6 coloured in a paper person, and
they were strung up around the perimeter of the school gates.
Kevins favorite colour was blue.