May 19, 2012



The subsonic rumble rises slowly from the depths within
Buoyantly, melodically floating skyward in a bubble
breaking the surface as it diffuses into the atmosphere

His eerie songs of the deep sonically combine
past, present and future within a resonate trine
The oceans are his personal journals
a vast expanse of inscribed sagacity

A millennia of wisdom transported through the Dreamtime
his sacred songs are kept flowing and alive
to hidden subterranean worlds they arrive
He alone goes where no woman or man can survive.

In underwater Sea Temples he anchors liquid light
His message carried across well traversed meridians
Ancient Being
Sentient Cetacean
Storyteller and Keeper
His mission he carries out


His brethren finely attuned to his endlessly changing songlines
Eventually they all sing the exact same tunes

So why are you hunting me down with your deadly harpoon?
Are you so out of balance, so intolerably cruel?
Pretending to study me, instead you murder me
using me as a high end expensive food

Once we go there is no way for you to know
the stories you will never hear
the songs that will no longer heal
The mysteries we could unfurl
Poetry from distant worlds
If only you can learn
to listen
with your 

Teresa / Divinia 19th May 2012

song used: The Sea Temple by Pravana
An Australian fusion band

and an explanation of where I saw TRINARY as a language

As of  Tue 1 Apr 2014, 6:09pm AEDT

Japan ordered to immediately stop whaling in Antarctic as International Court of Justice rules program was not carried out for scientific purposes


19th June 2016

I also need to add a disclaimer in regards to the use of the word brethren.

It came to my attention via a comment a couple of years ago, that the word Brethren is used to describe a German Christian church. The comment stayed in my mind, because I could see there was confusion over the word BRETHREN, and that I myself was not clear about it's meaning.

 At the time of writing this, I had only ever read, or come across the use of the word Brethren in relation to Nyahbinghi Rastafarianism.  I read about it in a childrens book back in the early 90's. I had no intention to inappropriately misuse the word, and especially to not properly acknowledge the Rastafarian terminology, it's just that I've only  today, 19th June 2016 made the actual connection as to the correct use I had in mind for the word brethren, and the context in which I understood it. 

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