January 23, 2012



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

You see a glittering prize
I see the pain in their eyes

You see dollars and cents
I see nothing but pretense

Do you remember the days of slavery?

Every time I hear your chains
It reminds me of the pain
The exploitation of the people
simply trying to survive
Where every drop of blood spilled 
is converted to a dollar per ounce

$1680 to be precise

Are the fruits of my hard labor
any less valuable than yours?

 I am the sum total of my dowry?
While your bling is a show of 


The treasure that (EYE) behold
That is truly worth it's weight in gold

Is free to give
Can't be stolen

It's in your enlightened aura
Your soft and malleable heart
Your immeasurable love

And the rays of warmth that light up my day

Divine Mother
I give back to you

if you right click on the top three pictures, it will take you to some informative links that highlight the industry of illegal gold mines.  These particular ones are in Ghana.
I do not own any gold myself.  I have also NEVER worn a diamond in my 45 years


  1. Divinia!Excellent blog! I just watched a documentary from CNN yesterday about the cocoa plantation in West Africa where children were forced into slavery. All those chocolates we've been enjoying I couldn't believe children pays for the price.

    Glad to see you blogging here on blogspot :D

    1. Thank you dearest Feathered Pen.
      I watch a lot of BBC and a program in particular called African Voices. I have seen many documentaries like this that left marks on my phyche. Once I become aware of something, It's very hard for me to "go back" to my regular habits...coffee, chocolate, even wanting to know where my old goods like refrigerators and computers will end up....who's back yard?
      Anyhow...this is not to make anyone feel bad...it is just to let people know that these peoples back breaking work and worth, in my eyes, is far more valuable than they will ever know.

      Oh...I've actually been on blogspot for a couple of years Ruz...but I just recently re-organized and transfered by blogs into new blogs...I lost all my followers and stats...lol bUT hey...i needed to do it :))

      Thank you for your comment Feathered Pen. It's so cool to see you here too!

  2. Wow. A most deeply felt and most beautiful write my friend.
    We do need to save ourselves, from ourselves.

    1. Thank you Rory...I appreciate your comment. WOW is as good as it gets :)
      Yes we do need to save ourselves from ourselves.
