January 17, 2012



She came from a land, far away, not on the maps any more
she came from a time , long before there was a son of GOD

No one knows for sure where she came from, or where she went
They say she lived in Ca'naan, along with the Gents

She lived there before they wrote the holy scrolls
She lived there before it was “re-claimed” by the “chosen ones”

Did she wander the desert?
I think she did

And when she ran out of land to walk, she took to the seas
She left her home, and took with her the keys.

a stone engraving of a Phonecian ship

the Phonecian Alphabet

She took with her, her writing, her words, her Gods and Goddess
She took her colour, purple no less, in which she would often dress

She traded for Salt, she traded for Gold
She gave all that was new, in exchange for the old

She conquered wherever she went, her reign was supreme.
She passed on her knowledge, things never before seen

She lived in temples, holy and grand
She was worthy...never shut out by any man

She held the keys to knowledge, secrets often obscured
to obtain them, you paid in gold, or what ever you had procured

In the sacred temples she waited, for all the men who use,
to get what they want, they threw those coins... she could not refuse.

Like Mary of Magdela, the Saint, the noble high priestess
She went down in History as the unclean, unholy, mistress

Where ever she travelled, she carried the seed,
she was the fertile vessel, where they would breed,

In Time...

Many Conquers came, and destroyed all they could
They re-wrote the history books, as best as they could

To obliterate her memory, her truth, her power
Of the strong Phonecian woman, who's faith did not falter.

She hid in caves...her temple of wisdom
NO MAN could ever separate her from her Queendom

Her body strong, mind un-corrupt, definitely not weak,
She questioned these newcomers, of what did they speak?

A language she didn't know, a God that obliterated her kind.
They all but covered up her history and wrote her out of our minds.

But what they didn't know was just how far this woman had come
How she had already laid down foundations, for those who were her sons

She had given to them their identity, it coursed through their veins
They can obliterate her culture, her history, BUT they can't wipe DNA

Her genes passed down into the present time, as strong as before.
Her sons carried the true lineage, back to the Queens from whom they were born.

There are those today who fight holy wars
They claim the land, that was hers millennia before

They fight their own kind, they are ignorant of the truth
Because those that came before them, obliterated the proof.

Her language is all but dead,
Except for the few left, who still know it in their head

They underestimated a tiny Island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea
One on which she sought refuge in well over 1200 years BC,

When the conquers came, and wiped out her true Goddess past,
She kept the truth alive, while learning to hide, they never thought she'd last

Many came afterwards, with the same intention of converting her faith
She went along with both Muslim and Roman Christian fate.

But none are strong enough to conquer her mind
She may dress like you, look like you, but she is not blind

She knows who she is. She survived the most unholy of wars,
To tell the truth, and to show the proof,
that those you try to conquer, reside within YOU

Where did this woman go, where is she now?
well thanks to my Ancestors, she dwells in ME now

(c) Teresa/Divinia/MissTee November 2010

Who were the Phonecians - The genetic study

The following link is a study conducted by two geneticist...Spencer Wells from America, and Pierre Zalloua...a Lebanese scientist. The two geneticists became friends in 2000 at Harvard University. Wells was pioneering genetic methods for tracing migrations of ancient peoples by looking at the chromosomes of their living descendants; Zalloua was looking for ways to use science to help heal his country, ravaged by 15 years of civil war between its many religious factions.
It also explains who the Phonecians were, where they came from, and what happened to them...

Phonecian Goddess - Ashtart

The following two links talk about the Goddess culture of The Phonecians...something we are not familiar with in todays Patriarchal religious institutions and dogma.. just to give a different or alternate view, to what we have been engrained to believe by the dominant surviving world religions.


Phonecian Goddess - Qadshu

Qadshu is another well known anchient Goddess of sexuality, Sacred excstacy and fertility. It also briefly explains the misrepresented practice of sacred or Temple Prostitution. 

Mary Magdalene

I made reference to Mary of Magdala...or Mary Magdalene. She has been vilified by traditional interpretations of Bible texts...not only misrepresented, but her contribution and work has been entirely omitted...the only women of any significance in the bible were either sinners/prostitutes/destroying their mens power, or a virtuous holy virgin.

The Maltese Goddess

And lastly...the tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean that I mention, is in fact my Mothers family home...MALTA. Today, all Maltese (at least 98%) are automatically Christened to be Roman Catholic. At one stage, all Maltese were Muslims, until they were overthrown, with the help of the Romans. However...malta has a very long and mysterious history which pre-dates both of these religious invasions by a long shot...by millennia!

No one knows for sure where the “original” Maltese came from. And throughout the course of it's very long history, many people have conquered the tiny island, leaving their mark on the land and people.
There are a large number of neolithic temples on the Maltese island of Gozo, which indicate the practice of an ancient form of worship... Sun, and Goddess Worship, no less. This article is very interesting ,but does little to explain the origins of this practice, or where it came from, or even who built the underground caves and temples.  The underground temples of Malta predate both Stonehenge and The Pyramids of Giza.

The Maltese Language

LASTLY...I also make reference to the Maltese language having descended from the Punic / Phonecian invasions. Maltese is indeed a Semitic based language, ( Siculo-Arabic) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_languages with loan words from Latin and Italian (which I don't speak). It is a “dead” language, which ONLY Maltese Speak...340,000 on the Maltese Islands, and about another 300 odd thousand in other countries around the world. So less than a million people speak this particular dialect worldwide.
This link also explains how the Phonecians colonized the Maltese people, interbred with them. Then came the Aghlabid Arab occupation in 7ad. It was believed that at that time, most of the original Maltese population were forcibly vacated from the island...except for the few troglogytes (i.e. cave-dwellers), that hid and survived.

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