January 17, 2012



I decided to post this today, after witnessing the full moon turn blood red between the hours of midnight and 3am, from Sydney Australia this morning.  Yes...I am a bit tired, but felt that today was a good morning to share this write which I actually wrote on the 5th November 2011.

That day you swallowed the sun
you left me in a place
where the only recourse left open to me
was to embrace the darkness
in all it's unseen divinity

Tuning into my own inner light
I began to see with my second sight
listen with my heart
and to no longer fight

I learned to develop my integrity
and how to collapse duality

I began to see roads within the chaos
which led me to travel with no fear
into previously unknown aspects of existence.
I saw that everything is not always as first it appears.

You taught me how to move silently,
knowing when and how to react,
To manoeuvre and
understand things unseen.
To cut through the illusion
(of separation)
and see how painful lessons of the past
can be transformed into a higher sense of


My ego, previously marked with spots and scars
of trials and lessons learned
began to fade into a stealthy obsidian glaze
The stars now reflecting the future in my eyes
gone was the smoky haze

The day you took the sun away
Instead of looking at my life with gloom
I formed an allegiance with the night
embarking on a vision quest
which took me to the dark side of the moon

to find

my truth
my voice
my power

I didn't always like what I saw
no more smoke and mirrors
Tapping into ancient traditions
I learnt to harness my passion 
and creativity
to move forward into the “great beyond”



until what I seek, is right before me
and to spring upon it !

without hesitation
or procrastination.

I now know through you, that
even on the darkest night
I can see the light

This is the medicine of Black Jaguar

(c) Teresa/Divinia 5th November 2011

BLACK JAGUAR (Panthera onca)
  is revered as a divine figure and the possessor of knowledge.
Mayan legends tell how eclipses were caused when JAGUAR swallowed the Sun and the black jaguar could be born into the earth reality when the sun returned.
The hidden sun was said to be Jaguar, whose spotted skin symbolized the stars glittering in the night sky. Thus, it was called the "Jaguar Sun."

The Mayan word for Jaguar is IX (pronounced eesh).

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